Lawn Care Tips for Oregon City Lawns

Overgrown Lawn | Oregon City

Lawn Care in the Pacific Northwest can be difficult…especially around the beginning of spring. Lawns have been unkempt and uncared for throughout the long winter months. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you keep your lawn looking its best, even if you have a typical shady, Pacific Northwest type of yard.

Start from Seed – Spring is a great time to seed your lawn. Whether you’re starting from scratch, over seeding your current lawn to fill in bare spots or looking to give your lawn a thicker look, it’s best to get your lawn established before summer maintenance kicks in.

Prevent Weeds – Applying herbicide at just the right time, around the end of winter or beginning of spring, can keep weeds and crabgrass from ever showing up. Some lawns may require different types of herbicides to prevent specific weeds, moss or ivy.

Cleanup Leaves – Removing leaves, needles or other debris will give your lawn a chance to flourish in the spring. If you don’t have time to rake, run a mower over your lawn a few times to cut leaves into fine mulch.

Fertilize – Applying fertilizer in the spring will help your lawn get off to a great start, but make sure your lawn is ready. Wait until the grass has grown enough to be mowed, and apply fertilizer conservatively. Using a slow release fertilizer will only require you to apply fertilizer a few times a year.

Aerate – to give your lawn the best chance of thriving on its own, it’s best to aerate at least once a year. It is preferable to aerate at a time when the grass is actively growing, like spring or fall.

Water – Different grass varieties require different amounts of water, but most lawns only require around 1″ of water per week. Be sure to water late in the evening or early in the morning to get the most out of your water application.

Hopefully these tips and reminders will help you keep your lawn looking healthy. If caring for your lawn ever gets to be too much, or becomes too time consuming for your schedule, give StandAlone a call for a quote that will keep your yard looking its best.
